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Basic Certification Course in Graphology -
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Our Course, Your Price


Yes, you read it correct. You can now book the Basic Certification Course in Graphology at your comfortable price. The course learning would be same irrespective.


Price Options :

Our aim with the campaign is to help you understand how a basic, yet powerful, in hand tool can help you transform your life.


Get introduced to handwriting analysis and understanding of 40-50 personality traits and see the magic happen. 


Course Duration : 6 hours


Course Mode : Online


Weekday and Weekend, both batches available

What will you Learn?


  • Introduction to Graphology
  • Applications of Graphology
  • Relation of Pen & Paper
  • Introduction to the Mind and some Universal Laws
  • Study of Margins, Size, Baselines, Slants
  • Introduction to Alphabets
  • How to Give a SWOT Analysis through Graphology
  • And more …


How will it help you?


By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the concepts and working of the mind, as your handwriting is the impression of your mind on the paper.


The handwriting parameters covered in this course are universal and easy to understand and adapt, thus enabling you to analyse a sample written in any language.


You will be able to identify about 40-50 personality traits, and provide a complete SWOT Analysis to the writer, outlining their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.


What would be the mode of operations?


Classes will be conducted Online via Zoom application, including face-to-face video calling classes with the faculty, screen-sharing to view PPT, white-board feature to view letters & patterns.


Thinking about course material?


Hardcopy of the course material would be sent to you.


Class timings will be decided upon course registration.