Nirvaana Life

Grapho – Therapy

It is not that we do not want to change our Old and Negative Patterns, most of the times we do not know How To. Grapho-Therapy is a unique way of creating Positive Changes in Life, at a Deeper Subconscious Level. This is done by practicing certain written Strokes and Patterns for a period of time, hence changing the Outlook of the person towards their Life.

How Can Grapho-Therapy help?

Every Movement, Form and Style within the writing implies a certain Characteristic. Similarly, a Change in the writing style leads to a Change in the overall Personality. Just as the Thoughts can be read through the Handwriting, a Good Change in the Handwriting can lead to Positive Thoughts, Actions and Behaviours.

This is a very Simple and Effective, yet a Powerful Tool, to overcome challenges related to Health, Relationships, Business, Children, or General Attitudes towards Life.

Grapho-Therapy can help you increase your Productivity and get ‘unstuck’, thus helping you move from where you are to where you want to be.

We can provide Grapho-Therapy in Kolkata in person. Also, you can book online sessions with us.

Book a therapy

Rs 36,000 with Sushama K Jain

Book a therapy

Rs 5,000 12,000 with the other Faculty